A man and woman standing in front of a big screen

Introducing AV Solutions To Your Building Projects

In the post-covid era, virtually all businesses need effective AV solutions. Whether it’s for conference calls on zoom, atrium displays or room booking organisations need professional solutions to operate effectively and appear professional to their internal and external stakeholders.

So, just picture the scene – you have finished your building project, and everything is perfect, your client then needs an AV set up and they realise their walls & ceilings aren’t equipped to handle AV equipment, they must rearrange rooms, rip up carpets to hide wires, retrench concrete for wiring and before you know it progress is lost, deadlines are missed and money is thrown down the drain. Even if you make these costly adjustments, their rooms may not have the correct acoustics and they could be plagued by bad sound quality in their boardrooms or atriums.

Empty business meeting room with a TV on a table

What a nightmare…if they had only consulted an AV professional early in the building process to avoid any issues and help keep the project streamlined.

Architects and project managers have enough on their plate when undergoing a construction project and cannot be expected to understand the ins and outs of AV solutions and equipment.

Benefits of Working With an Audio Visual Expert

Here are some reasons why it is important to work with an audio visual expert such as Mediascape:

  • To provide an enhanced end product – optimising a building project for AV does not have to be a restriction but rather an opportunity. Integrated AV solutions can show off a business’s technical prowess and professionalism, atriums can appear futuristic and boardrooms can be slick yet practical for all business purposes.
  • Plan for the future – If there’s anything the last couple of years has taught us, it’s that it’s always good to be prepared for the future. An AV-optimised project will ensure your client’s business can remain operational and thrive throughout any period where it may not be possible for individuals to physically attend work…such as during a pandemic for example.
  • Save costs – As mentioned previously, backtracking and undoing work can be wasteful resulting in lost materials, time, money and poor aesthetics. If AV is not considered when designing a project then you could run into problems that could’ve been very easily avoided such as having to install ugly afterwork construction boxes on newly designed walls or having visible wires/cords everywhere.
  • Happy clients – The main goal for many of us in the business world – keep our clients happy.

People looking at a screen in an office

As an architect you are likely to consider the bigger picture when working on a project, so allow an AV professional to help you avoid small but costly mistakes.

If you think your client is going to require an AV solution, then consult an AV professional as soon as possible and preferably stay in contact throughout the building process. This will ensure your client’s needs are met and if they decide to use the AV company who provided the advice throughout for their final AV solution then they can be sure they are getting an expert company they trust.

3 employees in a meeting


AV is about more than just microphones and cameras and often requires creative tailor-made solutions to keep each client happy.

Work with an expert audio visual company to ensure you have the correct expertise to optimise your projects for AV and produce a beautiful and professional product.